
Occupational therapy

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Indipendent living through occupational therapy

The most important aim of occupational therapy is to regain, improve and maintain the functional capacity necessary to achieve as much independence as possible, and to facilitate independent living in everyday domestic and professional life. Occupational therapy focuses on carrying out routine tasks which are tailored to the patient’s existing abilities (Functional Residual Capacity).

This is achieved through the following measures:

  • Training in ADLs (Activities of Daily Living):
    • Training in the occupational therapy kitchen.
    • Washing and dressing training: The patient achieves as much independence as possible in washing and dressing.
    • Eating training: With the help of guided mobility exercises, the patient regains the ability to eat independently.
  • Advice and training in the use of aids (e.g. stocking aids, one-handed chopping boards, adapted cutlery)  
  • Splint provision
  • Improvement and support of limited mobility patterns  
  • Sensitivity training
  • Development of gross and fine motor skills  
  • Development of coordination
  • Stimulation and strengthening of muscles  
  • Development of cerebral functions including, e.g., concentration, orientation and memory  

Playing the path back to daily life

In the application of our treatment programmes, we blend a range of exercise equipment of varying difficulties in an “arm studio” to create a circuit-training therapy. The better the rehab results, the more intensive the exercises.

  • Therapeutic games
  • Handcrafts
  • Computer therapy equipment and upper-extremity robot-assisted training (Bi-Manu-Track, Reha Slide duo, Reha Slide, Amadeo, Eso Glove, Sun Ball)
  • Functional electrical stimulation with biofeedback, which intensifies the effects of rehabilitation therapy on severely impaired upper extremities after a stroke.
  • Other innovative equipment